Programming and commissioning
By applying proven system solutions from various companies and taking into account the application requirements and individual needs of our clients, we are able to effectively implement any application.
Previous implementations were mainly based on Siemens controllers.
Our services include modern solutions in the field of SCADA systems and full use of their possibilities. We also create simple and clear visualizations on HMI operator panels.
We make SCADA applications on the following platforms: Asix, Simatic-WinCC.
We program operator panels of companies such as Siemens, Proface, QuickView and Astraada.
We offer services related to the commissioning and start-up of automation and electric installations, including:
- Trials, tests and checks after assembly,
- I / O checkout / checking signals from the facility to the control and visualization system,
- Functional checks of APKiA circuits and apparatus,
- Electrical measurements of LV devices,
- Optimization of regulation systems,
- Starting and testing machines, devices and installations,
- Checking and testing of control and protection systems for technological devices,
- Preparation of reports and reports on the course of start-up trials and tests.
Staff training
Training based on teaching in a nutshell. It is a process occurring in the form of accidental operations, as well as in those situations where it is a systematic, planned and used guided training process.
Occurs most often when changing shifts or new elements or entire production lines, e.g. in industrial plants.
Commissioning of a used device for operation with assimilation of knowledge about its subject by persons responsible for necessary services in the future. And here, after each installation, a moment is used
available manuals for the electric-automatic part and training for those responsible for its functional functioning.
The operating instructions contain complete information for using the system operation. If the machine is equipped with operator panels, then each step is graphically and descriptively described in the instructions.